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Studio classroom or Lecture capture classrooms 

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What is  Studio Classroom or lecture capture  Classroom? 

“Lecture capture is the process of recording classroom lectures as videos, and making them available for students to review after the class.” 

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 Education Institutes often lag behind in providing their students with the right amount of professional exposure. Their environments are restricted to regular classroom practices and interactions between learners and teaching faculty. The fact that students need to be prepared and their skills need to be polished to be part of workforce is ignored. It needs to be realized that restricting students to textbook and interactions with fellow students and teaching faculty in the class cannot make them aware of professional world and its rituals for which they need to be prepared. Technology allows you to connect your college and converse with experts & Professionals across the world, no matter at what time instant or where they are located. Studio classroom is the most Powerful classroom in your college which connects college to any industry experts across the world, teaching faculty can conduct virtual remote lectures, record broadcast quality lectures, live stream on YouTube or Facebook - which students can attend from any location across the world on any device ( Mobile, tablets , laptops and PC) 


Why Lecture Capture Solution important for every educational Institute ? 

1) Lecture capture has come a long way over the last few decades. What once involved a multi-camera video production setup now can be done with a single integrated lecture capture solution — no video crew necessary. In an era of reduced budgets, fewer grants, and faculty cutbacks, this is important for many colleges and universities. Today, everyone from community colleges to prestigious universities are looking to future-proof themselves for a digital learning environment. And even though in-class instruction isn’t going away anytime soon, creating online resources for students is becoming a must for higher education institutions. 

2) De-stressing higher education system- by Creating a digital literacy curriculum 

The way Syllabus has grown exponentially in past couple of years – time has come for educational Institutes to start creating Digital Lecture Recording Library. 

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Global Review from teaching faculties & students

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